It’s now or never:

Around August or September each year, most academic institutes already start closing their doors to applicants for the next year. “Sorry,” they say, “try again in about 12 months’ time”.

It’s not nice being rushed when making that crucial career choice. Matrics of last year will be all too familiar with this feeling. Maybe you were eventually pushed into make a decision you weren’t completely sure of yet. Or maybe you were so stressed out over the whole business that you completely missed the registration deadline!

Even if you are already working, or have a degree behind your name, timing is not always on your side when starting your studies again. Often you have to wait months and months before being allowed into a new programme.

Missing short window periods of registration usually means having to put off your studies and postpone your future. At College SA, we don’t want this to happen. We believe the following philosophy should apply to academic institutions as well:

Supported distance learning.

Not “tomorrow”, not “next week,” and definitely not “next year”. The best time to start studying and building your career is “right now”!

You can register, start and finish your studies whenever you want to. At College SA, you are welcome any time of the year.

With this study opportunity comes a very big responsibility, however. Suddenly your future is in your own hands. You can’t just sigh and say: “Oh well, I’ll just have to wait another year…” Now you actually have to take action!

Just remember: throughout history, each great endeavour, each journey or discovery, each quest or accomplishment was triggered by the same simple decision. And that decision has now come to you as well: is it going to be now or never?

So what are you going to do about your studies? Are you going to put it off another year by yourself, or are you going to step up and start your career today?

supported distance learning

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