Tackle your week head on

Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. – Buddha

Mondays… It is most probably every person’s least favourite day of the week. It is never easy getting out of bed after a weekend, knowing that you will yet again have to face another full week. I am one of those people who would lie in bed until the last minute, feeling sorry for myself that I have to get up, while some of my friends or family members can sleep in.

Here are a few things you can do to make your Monday blues a bit easier to handle:

  1. Get up early. The best thing that you can do for yourself is to get up early so that you have enough time to get ready without any haste. This way you will feel more relaxed, and you will not start your day with unnecessary stress.

  1. Take a shower or bath. By taking a shower or having a bath you will feel refreshed and more awake.

  1. Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. By having breakfast, you will not only give your body and mind the necessary energy to function for the day, but it will also give your metabolism a kick-start.

  1. Have a cup of coffee. Caffeine has always been my little helper in the mornings, and even throughout the day. If you are not a coffee person, have a cup of tea. Most teas also contain caffeine.

  1. Drink your coffee or tea outside. Instead of drinking your cup of coffee or tea inside, rather have it outside. The fresh air will do you good and will also help you to gather your thoughts.

  1. Pack yourself a snack. Knowing that you will have something to eat during the day will also help you to be driven and determined to function and complete your tasks. It is also healthy to have something to eat, otherwise your metabolism and energy levels, along with your ability to concentrate, will drop.

  1. Listen to music. On your way to work, class, or where ever you are heading, listen to your favourite song, or listen to the radio. This will not only cheer you up, but also get your energy levels up. By lifting your spirit, you will feel more confident and ready for the day.

These seven tips are but a few suggestions of what you can do to tackle your week. It is never easy starting a new week, but at least after you have survived Monday, there are only four more days until it is the weekend again!

Life is too short, tips, tackling the week, Monday blues, getting through the day

Good luck to all the students of College SA! May your week be fun, relaxed, and filled with happiness 🙂


Career advice, oh sweet career advice

I was given the task of covering the topic “Career Advice” for one of our websites. I was surprised at what I found, because when I embarked on my career journey, career advice was scarce. Now there are web pages filled with tips!

To be honest, I felt somewhat cheated while I was reading all of these tips – as if I missed out on a secret meeting where career advice was handed out to those who attended.

So, I have decided to share what I have learned while conducting my research, so that you don’t have to miss out as well.

Like a pair of pants from a factory store, career advice is not one-size-fits-all. What works for one person might not work for another. However, here are some general tips that might aid you in your personal career journey.

Tip One: Plotting your career path

  • Take stock and evaluate – write down what you currently do, and what you would like to do in the future. This will give you an idea of whether you are on the right path or not.
  • Take notes and build your career plan – research the jobs you are interested in, and speak to people who work in your desired position or line of work.
  • Take action and make your move – once you have done your research and evaluated your options, you have created your personalised career map.

Which way will you choose?

Tip Two: Think of your career as a series of experiences

  • In order to make an impact, succeed and feel accomplished, the key is to be a lifelong learner. Your experiences expand your worldview, give you new perspectives, and make you a more interesting person.

Tip Three: Don’t settle for a job that you are not passionate about

  • Because there is so much focus placed on earning a lot of money and paying the bills, you are encouraged to find a job that will help you to do just that. This is the worst career advice ever, because according to many studies, you won’t last long in a job that is merely a means to pay the bills. On the other hand, if you have a job that you’re passionate about, you’ll be excited each day, you will be willing to work longer hours, and you will end up accomplishing a lot more.

Tip Four: Start your own website to centralise your work profile

  • A great idea, especially with modern technology becoming more and more popular in the working world, is to create a website under your name (yourfullname.com).
  • As you grow and develop your career, you can add new projects, education, skills and examples of your work to your website. Your website will serve as a growing portfolio of your skills and your work.

Tip Five: Be good to yourself

  • Building a career can be tricky, so be good to yourself. Make time to have fun and to do things that make you feel good.
  • Start a journal documenting all the things that you do well, and when negative self-talk is holding you back, come up with a positive affirmation that can help build you up again.

If you are still in the beginning stages of your career journey, and are still trying to figure out what you should studyfear not! This information is just a click away.

“Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.” – James M. Barrie